Engage the Spark Community
Bring Spark users into your community through sponsored Challenges & Tasks
Sponsor a Single Task
Invite Spark users to visit your location
Award Points for Visiting
Visitors can earn points for visiting and even add achievement badges to their collection.
Give Badges for Special Achievements
Offer incentives and bonuses for those visitors who return frequently.
You Checked In At
Papa Slim's Pizza
September 12, 2019
October 3, 2019
January 28, 2020
Host Your Own Challenges
Build Challenges with the following features with a Spark Pro account
You've Completed The
Yosemite Explorer Challenge

August 23, 2020
Spark App Features
Spark FREE
Test drive Spark for 90-days. No credit card required.
1 Challenge
12 Tasks per Challenge
Spark PRO
Create challenges for your company, school, city, etc.
Up to 12 Challenges
Up to 24 Tasks per Challenge
Hosting lots of challenges? We've gotchya covered.
Unlimited Challenges
Unlimited Tasks per Challenge
All Accounts Include: